Mark Five Construction is here to guide you through this entire process. At this point we are sure you are completely overwhelmed by the devastation of your loss and are finding it hard to navigate way through what to do next. We are here to help with that and hopefully provide you with comfort knowing you are in the hands of an experienced fire restoration contractor.
Your home has been damaged as result of fire?
Umpteen gallons of water have been pumped into your home?
Windows and doors have been damaged and broken out?
Your personal belongings have been damaged?
Your house is uninhabitable?
Your house payments, utilities, temporary housing during this time?
“This event has turned your life upside down”
I truly wish there were some magical words or profound statement that I could share with you and your family to remove, or at the least ease the pain, this fire loss has created to your home but most importantly your lives. After three decades as a fire restoration contractor, providing help and assistance to literarily thousands of people where you are today, I unfortunately possess no such wisdom.
My best advice and recommendation are the following: “Partner you and your family with a local experienced fire restoration contractor that will work with and for you and your family, serving & representing your best interests”.
You need straight answers, advice, and direction, which can only be provided by an experienced company that specializes in the reconstruction and restoration of fire damaged homes and properties. Most importantly you need someone to represent you and your family and your best interests in deciding the best direction for you and your family to proceed! You do not need do you need a company that chases fire trucks of does insurance restoration as an add-on to their remodeling business.
Partnering with the right contractor with the expertise to negotiate and work with your insurance company, understanding the coverages of your insurance policy, your mortgage companies role, the permitting and inspections related to a fire damaged home, and the experience to rebuild/restore your home to pre-loss/good industry standards & code compliancy is the only way to protect your best interests and to assure your home gets rebuilt properly.
You have one shot at rebuilding your home, “do it right.” Engage the most experienced contractor working on your behalf, to work with your insurance company/adjuster allowing your home to be rebuilt to pre-loss condition, code compliancy, and to good industry standards. Rest assured at no time will Mark Five Construction Incorporated allow inferior materials, sub-standard labor, or sub-standard subcontractors on any of our projects. There is not another company with the experience, history, and commitment to its clients! Mark Five Construction has been in business for 35 years, has completed more than 6,900 insurance projects, is licensed in the Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC, fully insured, and Mark Five Construction is local!
Please reach out to me: I would personally like to meet with you and answer any questions you might have on the entire process of rebuilding your home, the players, payments, time frames, weather, and possible issues; presented from a position of what’s in your best interest and you deciding how to proceed. There is no obligation or cost for this meeting and all discussions will be confidential. After our meeting you might decide Mark Five Construction is not the right fit for you and your family, nevertheless you will have additional facts, question answered, and an experienced prospective to help you make the best choice as you move forward in this process or not only rebuilding your home but most importantly rebuilding your lives. I look forward to talking to you soon: 301-372-3650/email: markg@mark5const.com.
Mark T. George, President/CEO
Since 1984 “A partnership in rebuilding homes, businesses, institutions, and most importantly lives.”
There's a lot of moving parts to this process and our goal is to provide you with a good understanding of the timeline associated with a rebuild process.